de pinxi - Interactive Show for your Event


Away boarders!

Choose a few friends who you'd like to get rid of, give up bathing for a couple of months and come aboard for an impossible adventure on the Unsmashable, the flagship of the AllAtSea Company.

Total (and terminal) immersion awaits you aboard the most highly-developed galleon simulator to be found in the world of interactive leisure activities!

A crew of six players take their places on board a life-size model of the famed vessel. The simulator which drives the galleon and a triple screen literally immerse the players in the ocean world.

Alternatively, the tiers configuration can transform any auditorium into an unforgettable interactive attraction with a high level of gunners' throughput.


The cannon constitutes the realistic interface between the players and the game. Players reach the end of the adventure through collaboration.


Full 4D group interaction ! Watch 3D cannonballs flying out of your cannons!


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